Friday, September 12, 2008


To start this off in good conscience, I want to clearly state that I do not promote the entirety of Rob Bell's theology. However, a broken clock is right twice a day, and someone who loves God (as I am sure Pastor Bell does) is probably right a little more often than that. Some of the things he has to say are thought-provoking and worthy of discussion. I found this article about his reflections on art very impressive.

I liked this article, and I loved this quote: "I would say across cultures unless people have been forced into dehumanizing conditions like slavery, famine, starvation, oppression you find people creating stuff everywhere. Unless there are oppressive forces holding people down, people naturally create. You can find painting all around. You find cave painting, so from the beginning of time, expressing themselves, through whatever medium they had at their disposal, was something humans have done. You could probably argue from that alone that there is something about the human condition that it can’t help but make more."

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love you Abby! I'm glad you update now. I still want to see your new haircut!!!